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Let’s Talk About the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap and White Advantage

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The Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap: Flipping the Lens
Nonprofit Quarterly

Building Movement Project’s just-released leadership report, “Race to Lead: Confronting the Racial Leadership Gap,” which you can download here, highlights what many of us know: The nonprofit sector is experiencing...

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It’s Bias That Hobbles People of Color, Not Lack of a Leadership Pipeline
Chronicle of Philanthropy

Why are there so few leaders of color in nonprofit organizations? It’s because of a persistent bias in the nonprofit world that systematically weeds out qualified candidates of color, we...

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Aspiring Nonprofit Leaders of Color Face Structural Bias, Study Finds
Philanthropy News Digest

To address the racial leadership gap in the nonprofit sector, organizations and their boards must go beyond recruitment, training, and retention and work to dismantle systemic bias, a report from...

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Race to Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap
Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits

Nonprofit leadership doesn’t reflect the racial diversity of the U.S., and that’s a problem for the entire charitable nonprofit sector. The report challenges assumptions about why people of color are...

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